Saturday, March 2, 2013

3/2/13 One-Third Done!

Dear Friends and Family,

Gabrielle here.  Happy Saturday!  I am having a happy Saturday as I celebrate the fact that yesterday I completed chemo #6 (end of round two) which means I am one-third of the way done with chemo!  Yesterday's treatment went very smoothly.  My counts were pretty good due to the extra blood I had been given last week.  After chemo and lunch, Daniel and I had a 45 min. walk at Richmond Beach.  It was windy and we enjoyed watching all the kite surfers.  Then last night my sister Marti and her husband Merle came up for dinner.  The nausea has been very mild this past week and I've had a good appetite!  This morning Steve and I had breakfast then went for a one-hour walk from Richmond Beach up through the hills of Innis Arden.  I can't tell you how good it feels to have that blood in me and to have the strength to walk!  In a little bit, Steve's mom is coming for a visit and then Daniel, Steve, and I are going to see The Life of Pi.  Steve and Daniel both loved the book so hopefully the movie won't disappoint.  After all that--I will rest!

My very short, very thinned out hair is still here.  I haven't quite gotten to the point of being ready to shave it off.  My eyebrows and eyelashes are hanging in there as well.  Go figure! 

I want to share a few Scriptures with you that have spoken to me this week.  Last night, when I took off my pink paper ring from the banister that counts down the number of days left until chemo is done, the number on the ring said 90.  Ninety more days.  You can endure anything when you know it has an end date!  The Scripture on the inside of the ring was 2 Cor. 12:9:  "But he said to me 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."  I don't think anything has brought me to a greater understanding of this verse than cancer.  It can sap every last bit of strength from me on the bad days and I wonder on those days if the chemo will kill me before the cancer does!  But in that state of utter weakness, Christ's power rests on me.  When I am weak, He is strong.  Like that poem of the footprints on the beach.  When there is only one set of footprints, He is carrying me.  I am filled with gratitude for His help every day, and especially on the days my strength is gone.

Another verse I love is one that Renee gave me.  This verse has helped her through her trials of double hip surgeries and years of hip pain.  And speaking of Renee--she is still VERY sick with a bad flu that is bordering on pneumonia.  Please pray for her to be healed soon.  I miss her and can't be around her when she's infectious.  :-(  Anyway, the verse she gave me is Psalm 71:20:  "Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up."  I'm sure many of you are also going through troubles many and bitter and my prayer is that you will also claim this verse and trust God to restore your life again, as I am trying to do every day. 

Lastly, my friend Becky sent me this verse that helped her when she was going through difficult times.  Lamentations 3:22-23:  "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."  Amen to that!

As you pray for me this week, please pray about next Friday as it's the dreaded "double chemo" day, which is inevitably followed by three days of horrible nausea and weakness.  But after that one is done, I'll only have three more doubles to endure.  Thank you for your prayers, cards, flowers, meals, and all manner of encouragement.  I love you all!



Wednesday, February 27, 2013

2/27/13 Mid-week update

Dear Family and Friends,

Gabrielle here.  This will be brief since Steve pretty much told you about my week in his last post.  I am SO glad to be rid of the infected abdominal port that has given me nothing but grief since I got it in January.  It's 3:30 PM Wed. and so far today, no pain pills other than ibuprofen!  Hooray!  I "think" the horrible pain on my right side is going away too now that the port is out.  Maybe it was referred pain from the infection and/or port. 

I am also really glad I got the blood yesterday.  It takes forever for it to drip into you, but we watched Runaway Bride and played Scrabble, so the time passed pleasantly.  I feel so much better today!  Pink cheeks (instead of white), energy, not dizzy when I stand up, etc.  Thank you to every one of you who donate blood so people like me can have some! 

I enjoyed a wonderful luncheon with my friends Jan and Sue today.  Jan brought the delicious meal and we celebrated my b-day (belatedly) and Sue's b-day (next week). 

Now I am about to put on my rain pants and coat and go for my exercise walk with Steve, who got off work early today!  While we are out, Daniel, who just returned from the gym, will be making us chicken pot pies for dinner.  He is doing everything in his power to fatten me up!  My mom will join us for dinner too, but alas, Renee is very ill with the flu, so can't come over yet.  Please remember her in your prayers if you will.

Lastly, I wanted to share this Scripture and thought from my friend Laurie.  It is from Isaiah 43 and it inspired me.

When you pass through the waters,

I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze
For I am the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior

Says Laurie, "The nice thing about the storm he calmed when He was in the boat with the disciples on the sea was that they saw Jesus' power.  But this reminds me of His presence when the storm doesn't subside and we still have water up to our necks or smoke in our eyes."

I've had days in the last two months with water up to my neck and smoke in my eyes and I can say with 100% certainty...He has been, and remains, with me through it all.  Thanks be to God!



Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2/26/13 Abdominal port out, a unit of blood in


To continue on the sea voyage metaphor, the going has been a little rough the past few days.  As Gabrielle mentioned, over the weekend, she got word that the abdominal port was infected and needed to come out [aside…this “port” is not the left or larboard side of a boat, nor is it a safe haven from a storm, but rather the access part for the drugs…oh to have that safe harbor about now].  I was reminded of that silly song about Port Out, Starboard Home..P-O-S-H from the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  Supposedly it speaks of the origins of the word posh, but it is indeed a mystery to me why so many people on that boat would need to have their abdominal ports out.  Though Gabrielle indeed was sitting on the starboard on the way home.  So here's to port out, starboard home for Gabrielle!

She went in yesterday and had the pesky piece of hardware removed.  She needed to go to the operating room (OR in Grey’s Anatomy speak) but didn’t need to be knocked out, just had some sedation.  Dr. M. said it was indeed infected and was glad that she had had the port cultured a second time just make sure that she wasn’t missing anything.  I am reminded of a line from a Sherlock Holmes story I recently read.  Sherlock finds a telltale clue in the midst of a field and holds it up to all astonished observers.  They wondered why they had missed it and he had found it.  He retorted that you have to really look for something.  That’s what Dr. M. did…she really looked for that infection a second time and we are glad she did.  She’s thorough.

Sadly, in the midst of her visit to have the port taken out, they did another blood test and Gabrielle’s red cells had dropped another point to 26 (normal being 34 to about 46) which means she’s on the books for a blood transfusion today.  She’ll get one unit which should bump her number up about three or four points.  On the one hand it was quite discouraging…first the port, then the transfusion.  We had really been hoping for some smooth sailing during these couple of single drug treatment weeks.  Not so.  But on the other hand, we are trying to stay positive.  Perhaps the infected port was in some way responsible for Gabrielle’s abdominal pain.  We are hoping that this will improve as the residual infection clears up…no word on that yet from the pretty Missus as she is still in her bunk below deck (OK, she’s above deck, but below deck is where most sailors sleep, so give me a little license here…at least she’s got better digs than the poor sap who wrote Two Years Before the Mast…before the mast was where you didn’t want to be…no turn down service, no chocolates on the bed, no drawn bath each night).  The other bit of hopefulness is that when she gets a transfusion, maybe she will have a little more energy.  She has been completely drained and enervated during this entire weekend.  Feels faint when she stands up or walks from the living room to the family room.  Want to see a little more spring in her step.  Why not?  Isn’t blood doping all the rage amongst certain performance athletes who have bent the rules?  Look how well some of them did…till they got caught. 

So, prayers for today would be for Gabrielle to have improved abdominal pain and more energy after the transfusion.  It is especially important for the energy to pick up.  After all, it is garbage day today and it just breaks my heart to see her crawl up on the garbage and jump up and down on it before hauling it out to the street.  Last week was especially tough, what with dry heaving and all and the rain coming down so hard.  So tough, in fact, that I almost put my afternoon tea down and threw open the window to tell her to do it in two trips…now that’s serious.

And that’s all the news so far on the Gabrielle front.  One quick follow up story on me.  For some reason, people have been loving my buzz cut.  Patients glance at me and get these odd looks on their faces, not sure if they should laugh, cry or ask if I have joined the Marines.  A couple of people have wanted to rub my new “doo”.  I recall a picture of some little visitor to the Oval Office a year or two back.  President Obama was a good sport and bent over to let the little nipper feel his hair.  I haven’t been as magnanimous as the president, however as I have been charging folks for the privilege…25 cents.  Made 50 cents so far!  Andrea, our receptionist, asked if it was for a single time or all day.  I felt generous so said “all day” and she made full use of her quarter.  Every time she came back to drop off a chart or pester me in some other way, she extracted a little more value from her quarter. 

I feel a little bad, however, that this new opportunity to feel the doo is limited to those who are actually physically in my presence and have decided to extend this offer to those far and wide…even worldwide, if the info on this blog counter is correct.  For a limited time offer, I am opening up this rare chance to all comers for the value price of…not a quarter…not even fifteen cents…but for one thin dime!  You heard me right…a dime!  What else can you buy with a dime?  That and a buck and a half will get you a cuppa Joe in town.  Here’s what you do:  scroll back to that picture of me a couple blogs back and rub my hair to your heart’s content…all day long if you so desire.  At the end of your session, pop a dime in the mail and we’ll call it good.  See how trustworthy I am?  You can pay at the end.  Of course, there are some problems to this approach.  For one, it costs 46 cents to mail a letter.  Can you believe it?  46 cents!  So you’re actually paying 56 cents (what with the dime and all, in case this early in the morning you’re having trouble with the math).  That’s the domestic rate.  For those two folks in Australia who check in from time to time, it may be more.  Sadly, I haven’t signed up with Pay Pal yet.  But wait!  Have I got a deal for you (I feel like the Ginzu knife salesman on late night TV)!….for one thin dollar…just one picture of George (sorry, I don’t take Rands, Euros, Aussie bux even though they come in such pretty colors), you can “rub the buzz” for not one week, not two weeks, but a full three weeks!  You won’t find a better deal than that out there!  And remember, it is all for a good cause…Steve’s afternoon tea fund while he supervises the trash being taken to the street.

Oh, as an added bonus, the hygiene factor is certainly much higher through this virtual buzz rubbing.  After a sweaty bicycle ride and such, I don't think Andrea really knew what she was getting into.  I try and stay clean, but you never know.  On the other hand, the screen rubbing is guaranteed to be as germ free as you want to make it...most likely somewhere between rubbing the bubble gum wall at the Pike Place Market and kissing the Blarney Stone.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

2/23/13 Abdominal Port Bites the Dust

Dear friends and family,

Gabrielle here.  Today we received a call from my oncologist saying the fluid they removed from my abdominal port has a staph infection.  So she started me back on antibiotics and said to report to the OR Monday at 2 to have the port removed.  She is going to discuss the pros and cons with me of putting another one in at a different spot--under my rib cage--versus just using the shoulder port from here on out.

Of course I'm disappointed the port didn't work out, but it has given me so much pain and grief, now I can't wait to get it out of there on Monday!

On a happier note, the pain in my right side seems to be responding to the muscle relaxer pills, so perhaps it was a pulled muscle or tendon.  The only problem is--those pills make me SO sleepy!  I have barely had the energy to move off the easy chair all day, though finally MADE myself go for a half hour walk. 

My boss, Gordie, and his wife, Mary came over for a short visit this afternoon and it was really great to see them.  They brought some nice cards and beautiful flowers.  And we all ate one of Daniel's Oscar sugar cookies.  Yummo!  And our friend Karen from church brought us a lovely dinner of curried soup, bread, and brownies.  Can't wait!

My friend Ted send me a great verse for today.  It is Joshua 1:9: 

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

God is indeed with me wherever I go--to chemo, back to the OR, when I can't get out of the easy chair, when I go get my head shaved (probably on Tuesday).  I am grateful to have the God of the universe leading my rope team!



Friday, February 22, 2013

2/22/13 And another one bites the dust!

Dear friends and family,

Gabrielle here.  Let me share with you the good news of my day!

First, I had a brief nice visit with my mom and sister this morning right before chemo.  I tried on the wig for them and they liked it.  Now I am seriously thinking head shaving day might be Monday or Tuesday.  It's just such a mess everywhere as it falls out so quickly now. 

When I got to chemo and they checked my blood counts, they told me they were good enough to get chemo #5.  Yippee!  They aren't "great," that's for sure.  Please pray I develop more red and white blood cells.  The doc did says as my hematacrit drops (# of red blood, 27), that there will be a blood transfusion or two in my future. 

Next, before the chemo started, my nurse Leah came in with more great news.  My genetic testing for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes came back. I do not have either gene!!!!!  These are hereditary genes that can cause breast and ovarian cancer.  So I got my ovarian cancer some other "fluke" way--not by being a gene carrier.  Since I don't have the gene, neither do Renee or Daniel.  If I had it, there would have been 60% chance that both I and Renee would get breast cancer.  Not anymore!  This is a HUGE answer to prayer.  I am so grateful to God for this news--particularly for Renee.

After the chemo was dripping away into my shoulder port, the doctor and my nurses Janelle and Trinity came and took ONE MORE fluid sample from my abdominal port to send to the lab and make sure it's not infected.  It takes three days to culture it.  If NOT infected, they will use the port two weeks from today for the two-drug chemo.  If it IS infected, they have to remove the port and won't put one back in.  Please pray it will be free and clear to use!

Lastly, regarding the pain on my right side, my doctor examined me and called my primary doc to discuss together.  They don't think it's cancer related at all, they don't think it's a kidney stone or it would have shown up on the CT scans done a few weeks back of my organs. They think it might be a bad muscle pull as I've been overcompensating with my obliques when my center abdominal muscles have been healing at the incision site.  So they are trying out a muscle relaxant for the next three days.  If it hasn't improved a lot by Monday, I'll go in again and they will probably do a scan.  I HOPE and pray this simple fix will work!  This muscle relaxant makes one sleepy so I will probably doze right through the Oscars on Sunday!

Now I am home, tired, on a Friday night.  Steve is sitting across from me, looking cute in his buzz cut, and working on his cancer journey macrame chord.  Daniel just made us an appetizer of guacamole and chips (avacados are one of my top five foods in the world).  Now Daniel's making noodles with pesto, parm, and pine nuts with asparagus for dinner.  With all the i/v anti-nausea meds, tonight is the night to EAT.  Renee is on her way home to join us.  I just opened several more beautifully written cards from dear friends, as well as my third hand-knit hat from Evy in California (beautiful green one)!  I also just opened a HOMEMADE nail polish color created just for me by my niece Maggie in San Diego.  It's called "Gaby's Ocean" and is a beautiful turquoise sea color with some sparkles, along with a lovely card from her.  I am gazing at some gorgeous flowers that arrived yesterday from my friend, Nancy, and remembering with fondness the dinner OUT we had last night courtesy of our good friends/neighbors, Laura and Jerry.  It was my first meal in a restaurant since I got sick and I enjoyed it so much.  Great food, wonderful conversation, and feeling like a normal person!  I am so content at this moment and feeling incredibly blessed.

One Scripture verse came up twice in two different devotional books Daniel and I were reading today.  So this is my verse for the day.  It is perfect.  "Cast all your cares on Him for He careth for you."  1 Peter 5:7 



Wednesday, February 20, 2013

2/20/13 Wednesday Greetings

Dear Family and Friends,

Gabrielle here.  I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while.  I've had kind of a rough week since the double chemo last Friday.  Aside from the terrible nausea, I've had a "mystery pain" in my right side (right where your waist goes in if you are a woman, just below your rib cage).  The pain has gotten more and more severe and lasts all day/evening.  Every day I would ask Steve--what in the world is going on in there?  Is it my gallbladder?  Is it my appendix?  Is it inflammation in my intestines? Well, after the pain being at a 5 or 6 on the pain scale for days on end, I went to my oncologis'ts office yesterday.  My own doctor was out but I saw her partner.  He did a lot of tests to rule out anything wrong with my kidneys, lungs, etc.  He said it wasn't my gallbladder or appendix or intestines.  He satisfied himself that it is nothing too serious but doesn't know exactly what it is. It could be some scar tissue or adehesions tugging on the nerves by my liver.  It could be a pull in my muscles or tendons in there.  He said to take Tylenol, put heat on it, and the "tincture of time" should heal it.  Well, after not being able to fall asleep with it hurting so bad last night, I broke down and took a pain pill left over from my surgery.  This morning after breakfast, I took another, as the pain was making me cry.  Long story short, I have called again and asked for my own oncologist to check me out on Friday when I go in for one-drug chemo #5 and she will do that.  I don't think I conveyed adequately to the other oncologist how severe the pain actually is.  So this paragraph is my "poor me" news.  I would very much appreciate your prayers that whatever that pain is it will go away SOON!  Thank you!

Now for happier news. Today, Wednesday (after the pain pill so I wasn't suffering all day), I have had a good day!  I woke up very weak from not eating much over the past few days (lost three pounds) but after hydrating and eating organic peanut butter toast and a fruit/yogurt smoothie, I got a small burst of energy and Daniel and I went on our normal half hour walk, including the big hill. Then I did a few arm weights.  It felt good!  Next, my good friend Anna came for lunch.  We ate Daniel's amazing lemon, faro (sp?), chicken, veggie soup, apples, and chocolate chunk cookies.  We had great conversation and I modeled my wig for her.  She said it looked great, which was a relief to hear.  After she left, Daniel and I watched a Sandra Bullock movie (The Proposal) while munching on potato chips and a couple more cookies.  I know, chips and cookies doesn't sound too healthy, but they told me to eat any snacks I am in the mood for just to gain some weight!  I am just so happy to have been able to eat today.  Next, Steve came home with his head buzzed!  We will post a photo below.  I am getting very close to doing the same as I'm tired of cleaning up hair everywhere.  Stay tuned...

During our daily Bible reading today, Daniel and I read the story of the disciples being in a boat in a furious storm while Jesus slept.  They were terrified of drowning.  Jesus awoke and calmed the seas and reminded them to have faith.  I keep telling myself that cancer is like being in a boat on stormy seas.  It can be terrifying and all that rocking around can make you nauseous!  But I find peace when I remember that Jesus is IN the boat with me.  He is here, He can calm the stormy seas, calm my fear, and help me get safely to the shore.  Here is the passage in case you want to read it:

Mark 4:35-41

New International Version (NIV)

Jesus Calms the Storm

35 That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. 37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”
39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”
41 They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”
I want to close by thanking all of you who have sent me Valentine and birthday cards, gifts, and flowers.  Though I was sick on my birthday, I was surrounded by love.  Special thanks to Annie for the delicious meal on Sunday!  I love and appreciate all of you and thank you for your continued prayers and support not only for me, but for my family.  When I tore off the pink paper link from our chemo countdown chain last night, it read "day 100."  That means as of today, we are in double digits.  If I don't miss any chemos due to low blood counts, I have just 99 days to go.  Thanks be to God for light at the end of this long tunnel!
Much love,
Well, here's the new "do"...

Four out of five doctors surveyed agree:  this "works"!  Chilly, but that's OK!  As an aside, when I asked my barber for a buzz cut, she asked why.  She got a big grin on her face when I related Gabrielle's story and then she told me that her 72 year old mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer almost a year ago and is doing great!  Love to hear those stories!  Oh, and she battled the nausea with a marijuana cookie every night till about a month ago.  Whatever it takes!

2/20/13 Haircut day...for Steve that is!


Well, the hair is falling out right and left at the Dudley household. Thought I would do my part to try and keep up. Off to the barber this afternoon. Here is a pre-haircut pic:

Stay tuned!