Saturday, January 12, 2019

1/12/19 Signed up for hospice

Things have been pretty quiet around here today.  We were blessed that my brother Paul and his wife Heidi made a special trip in from "the boonies" (Poulsbo) to bring my mother over for a visit.  She lives in Redmond, so there was a fair bit of driving on their part.  Thanks, guys!

As for Gabrielle, she has been having a mellow, mostly sleepy, day around the house.  She ate a little breakfast before my mom's visit.  Afterwards, we went for a short walk along the Edmonds waterfront by the marina:  

I left to take my mom home, and the rest of the gang made a bee line for Anthony's where Gabrielle ordered a salad to go.  Nothing like Anthony's to get the salivary juices flowing!

Pain continues to be an issue, but we are trying to stay on top of it.  I have told her many times to let us know if she is in pain, and she replied that sometimes, she just doesn't think of it.  Talk about stoic!

We have indeed asked the hospice folks to come around and they will be here tomorrow for an "intake" and assessment of the situation.  We are all at peace with this decision, though that doesn't make it any easier to see her health slowly slip away.  But she is so strong and looks forward to an eternity without pain.  She told Renee yesterday that she could feels the arms of Jesus drawing her closer. 

I have asked her is she wanted me to read any e-mails or texts to her, and she said "not now".  She is in a pensive and reflective mood much of the time.  I will wait and read them to her later.  Feel free to continue to text or e-mail her.  We will get around to reading them to her when she is in the mood.

One problem with napping during the day, is that time gets a little confused.  We were downstairs watching TV and Gabrielle said she was ready for bed, though it was only 3:50.  We will try and keep her occupied till 7:00.  That appears to be her new bedtime.

Not much else to report on this end, but I know that she has many friends who love her dearly and I want to keep you in the loop as much as possible.  

Blessings all around!


  1. Love you all so much! Praying for a Holy Peace to surround you all! Especially our hero Gaby❤️

  2. God Bless you all. My heart and prayers go out to you. I hurt for you and Gabrielle. So hard. Love, peace and comfort surround you. Hugs, loves and blessings always. 🙏😥✝️💝

  3. Sending love, hugs and flowers to you all, and getting myself ready to throw that winner’s ring at the end of the bell lap.

  4. Love you both, prayers for comfort and God's peace. Thank you for the updates.


  5. I just lost my whole sloppy comment. But I will call you later this morning. Meanwhile, love and peace,and now's the time to let her do as she wants. Eat Daniel's delicious food and plan to work out later, my loves. This job is almost over, and you've done so well. Remember that our lives will always be as precious to her as hers has been to us.

  6. I guess I'm not meant to comment. I just lost two of them. I love you all and will call later this morning.
